A Tiny Application Allows You To Quickly Execute A Flip 3D Effect Using Your Desktop Corners

FlipCorner is an useful and free application that enables you to quickly execute a Flip 3D  moving the cursor to your windows one of the desktop corners. Simply choose which corners you will begin the Flip the size of the activation area and the delay during which you will have to keep the cursor in the area. Flip 3D is an effect of Windows Vista and Windows 7 to switch between the Desktop and opened applications. Support Microsoft windows Vista or Windows 7. Download free FlipCorner rar size 141 KB, after extract 1MB.FlipCorner-Free




Select which corners you will begin the Flip the size of the activation area. Give delay during which you will have to keep the cursor in the area. Also you can start FlipCorner with Windows and when you want temporary disable it via the notification area.Download_2

FlipCorner Free