
T-Systems is one of the best IT service company in Germany founded in 2000. They provide integrated ICT solutions from a single source. And they view that integration as more than just IT plus telecommunications. They speak of -Real ICT, because they start with an integrated approach to Information and Communications solutions right from the development stage. They are top in SAP hosting.T-Systems[adsense]

Employer Type

Direct Employer, IT services, IT consulting
Headquarters Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany
Official Website http://www.t-systems.com/
Technologies SAP, CAD, AutoCAD, Pro-E, CAE, FE, VC++, .NET
Certifications Gold, silver, bronze
T-Systems CRM platform wins
multiple awards.
SAP Pinnacle Award 2011
Microsoft grants award for heating app
Job Posts http://www.t-systems.com/tsip/en/168812/home/
Employees in 2011  45000
Address T-Systems International GmbH
Hahnstr. 43 b, d
60528 Frankfurt am Main
Tel/Fax (0 69) 200 60 – 0