How To Find Your Ideal Career And Actually Land The Job


Since most of us aren’t fortunate enough to have a lifetime’s supply of food and guaranteed shelter, having a job that pays the bills is important. This doesn’t mean, however, that you can’t enjoy your work. The chances are that when you were younger, you had grand ambitions to become a pop star, astronaut, or president. As we get older and our grasp on the realities of adulthood becomes firmer, our dreams adapt to become more plausible and achievable. Again, this isn’t to say that you can’t find meaning and worth in your job. Here are some points to consider when seeking that ideal career path and tips on how to get your foot in the door.

What Do You Enjoy?

If finding a job that you won’t immediately want to leave is a top priority for you, then the best place to start is thinking about what you like to do. Your personal interests might not seem, at first, like they could transfer into professional scenarios, but you would be surprised. For example, if you love to play video games, you might be suited to a career that requires strategic thinking and quick reactions. On the other hand, if you are a spiritual person that loves yoga and teaching others, it may be that achieving yoga instructor certification dallas and becoming a yoga instructor is the perfect career choice for you. Use your natural inclinations as a guide to what jobs you might find the most fulfilling and the least dull.

What Are You Good At?

You may have a broad range of activities you enjoy, which can help you think of potential career paths, but another way to narrow it down even further is to think about what skills you have and where they might be best put to use. Have you always had a natural talent for lifelike drawing? Were you good at coding almost as soon as you started to learn it? Figure out which of your pre-existing skills could be honed and refined to the point where they could help you find a related job.

What Are You Qualified For?

Look at your current education level and what types of qualifications you hold. If you’ve been to high school and college, chances are you can spot a pattern of subject interests that add up to a larger picture. Perhaps you lean more towards the sciences than the arts, and this is reflected in your qualifications. Of course, if you are qualified for a position you don’t want, you will have to consider retraining in order to start another type of career path.

What Work Appeals to You the Most?

When you look at job postings and potential opportunities, which ones stand out to you, and which would you prefer to avoid? Write down a long list of jobs you would be happy to consider, then compare these to your skills and qualifications. Connect the jobs you are interested in with the skills that match, and you can shorten your list to the most practical and fulfilling career possibilities to suit you. Every job has its disadvantages, whether that means a high-pressure environment or long stretches of time spent on your own. Take these aspects into consideration and choose which problems you’d rather have.

Add to Your Skills and Qualifications

If you have looked at possible jobs and realized that your skills don’t yet line up with what the employers are looking for, do your best to make yourself the ideal candidate. If this means returning to education or taking time to teach yourself something new, decide how to fit this into your lifestyle. For example, if you want to become a nurse but haven’t trained for it, consider applying to Wilkes University and giving yourself the opportunity to start your dream career.

Talk with People in the Industry

One of the most effective ways of getting to know more about the industry or sector you plan to find a career in is to meet people already in it. Building connections and expanding your network can help you learn more while simultaneously increasing your chances of hearing about the ideal opportunity. Listen to what the experts in the field have to say and involve yourself in the culture as much as you can.

Be Proactive

It’s highly unlikely that someone or something is deliberately withholding opportunities from you; however, this doesn’t mean you can be complacent about striving for your goals. You must create your own chances where necessary by putting yourself forward and taking risks. Fear of failure can hold you back and prevent you from taking vital steps towards reaching success, so remind yourself that occasional mistakes are worth more than never trying at all.

Adapt Your Approach

If you find that the way you’ve been tackling your job hunt isn’t proving effective, don’t continue to repeat these errors. Check your resumé, ask for advice, research more deeply – the worst thing you could do would be to let yourself try the same techniques over and over again to no avail. Of course, patience is essential when looking for a job, but after several setbacks, it’s important to learn from your mistakes and move on.

Remain Resilient to Rejection

Navigating the competitive world of job hunting comes with a lot of potential for rejection. When you read a job post that sounds perfect for you, but you aren’t asked for an interview, it can be crushing. Or, if you were lucky and hardworking enough to be invited for an interview but later find out that you didn’t get the job, it can feel like all your efforts were for nothing. This is not the case. Rejection is an unavoidable part of finding the ideal job, and learning to overcome it is extremely important. It’s difficult and requires great patience, but if you want to succeed, then you must accept it.

Have Confidence

If you’ve taken to heart all the previous steps, such as making yourself an employer’s ideal candidate and increasing your skills, then one extra piece of advice is to believe in your abilities. Self-doubt can be more damaging than anything else, so trust yourself to overcome obstacles and know that one day you can land your dream job.