Gadgets For Your Dog You Need To Get


If you love your dog and you love gadgets, boy do we have the piece for you. Did you know, you can combine your love of both while collecting health data, improving your dog’s wellness, and even just using technology for fun?

There are so many products on the market now that you can use with your dog to improve their quality of life, and a lot of that has gone digital!

This piece will talk you through some of the gadgets for your dog that just make sense.

Puppy Camera

We all want to know what our pets get up to when we are not at home, especially if they are particularly mischievous, and with a puppy camera, you can do exactly that.

You can either use traditional security cameras, and connect them to your phone or smart watch, or you can use a camera that has been tailored specifically for this job such as a ‘Furbo’. These cameras are designed exclusively for pets and can allow you to interact with them from wherever you are, hear what they are up to, and also have a very handy treat dispenser! This means you can continue your training from the office, and make sure everything is alright at any moment.

GPS Tracker

Another great gadget is a GPS tracker, which is brilliant for when you take dogs for a walk or a run, or for if any accidents happen and they manage to escape your fencing. This is also a neat little gadget if anyone tries to take off with your pup, as you will be able to see exactly where your dog is at any time. The tracker itself is attached to the collar, and the data can be delivered straight to your phone in real time. You can also set up a ‘safe space’ for your dog, and it will alert you if your dog happens to go past those boundaries.

That being said, this cannot and should not replace a chip, so make sure to go to your local trusted to get one inserted by a professional.

Electronic Ball Thrower

Us humans do not always have the time or energy to keep throwing balls to our dogs, no matter how much we wish we did. Our pups have so much energy, and do not need to work a 9-5, which means they have the energy and time to play much more ball than maybe we can give them. This is where the electronic ball thrower comes in! Electronic ball throwers do exactly what they are said to do, throw balls for your dog. Some brands, such as the iFetch, can launch balls up to 30ft away! However, you will eventually have to put the balls back in the launcher, so you cannot get off the task completely. However, if you can get your dog to bring them right back to you, that is half of the battle won!