All-In-One Revised basic pay scales Chart 1972 to 2016,  Revised Pay Scale Chart 2016 has also added approved by the government. These all charts are very beneficial for the pay fixation with back date, and no need to have found your desired data from multi chart. The Basic Pay Scales were revised during the various years in the history of Pakistan. You can also see full detail of Revised Pay Scale Chart 2016
All Pay Scale charts as under:
1- Revised Pay Scale- 1972, with effect from 01-03-1972
2- Revised Pay Scale- 1977, with effect from 01-05-1977
3– Revised Pay Scale- 1983, with effect from 01-07-1983
4- Revised Pay Scale- 1987, with effect from 01-07-1987
5- Revised Pay Scale- 1991, with effect from 01-06-1991
6- Revised Pay Scale- 1994, with effect from 01-06-1994
7- Revised Pay Scale- 2001, with effect from 01-12-2001
8- Revised Pay Scale- 2005, with effect from 01-07-2005
9- Revised Pay Scale- 2007, with effect from 01-07-2007
10- Revised Pay Scale- 2008, with effect from 01-07-2008
11- Revised Pay Scale- 2011, with effect from 01-07-2011
12- Revised Pay Scale- 2015, with effect from 01-07-2015
13- Revised Pay Scale- 2016, with effect from 01-07-2016[adsense]
DOWNLOADÂ the All-In-One Pay Scale Chart in PDF, Microsoft Excel and Image format.