With Short Message Service (SMS) you can send and receive short text messages using your handheld and a GSM mobile phone. Many other websites which provide Free SMS service to Pakistani mobile numbers. All these services have some restrictions and your messages will be with advertisements. Send Free SMS through SMS4SEND. It is a new fast SMS server in Pakistan. The request of sms4send website admin, I have checked and found good result.[adsense]Main Features:
1- Largest short messaging providers bring an amazing website, Where you can send unlimited free Sms in Pakistan without any registration (1100 Characters Support).
2- Send Free Unlimited MMS (Multimedia Sms) with 2MB size limit and without any registration. (you can send JPG, bmp, avi, mp3, mp4, 3gp, rar, zip, txt, doc, docx, docs and many other files to your friends mobile).
3- Send Free Unlimited Flash Sms In Pakistan Without Any Account Registration.
Send absolutely free and 24 hours active SMS server to all mobiles networks: www.sms4send.altervista.org . If you like this and found it useful then please recommend it or share it on Google Plus, Facebook or Twitter and comment below.