You are using Internet game or sitting in the office, or have your own private work, and suddenly your boss come. You fear that you will rebuke boss, you’re doing it, play game come in the office, or use the Internet all the work is completed. Or so I’ve got the Internet that you enjoy sitting in AC. Magic Boss Key software is so powerful that you only have one Key Press to open your desktop and can hide all the program. Magic Boss Key you use, because if you install it from your Keyboard to press F12 to hide all programs.
Main and Additional Features of Magic Boss Key:
1- Select your program It can be customized.
2- If you press F12 All Programs are not close, but He will shut down the option you select will happen.
3- The default F12 Hot-key that you are, you can customize it.
4- Press F12 on your computer Task bar and System Tray will disappear, and pressing a button on your computer’s date and the place of your current windows are opened.
5- Support all Microsoft windows 98, 2000, Win XP, Win Vista, Win 7 and 8.[adsense]
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