WhatsApp keep adding new features to your application to maintain app edge. The WhatsApp available for Android is going to be a new feature. This new feature is Private Reply, through which you can send a reply to any person’s message in the group in this way. Your reply will only be visible to the sender. The rest of the group will not be able to see this message. This feature statement from the WhatsApp was lasting for a long time.
At present, this feature can be used in the WhatsApp for Android with the Beta application. So, to take advantage of this feature, first of all download and install the latest Beta version of the application.
The use of this feature is that the messaging message in the group you only want to send to a sender. Tap this message to slate and select Privately from the three points above which the menu opens. Tap this message and select ” Reply Privately” from the three points above which the menu opens.[adsense]
This feature is best for groups in which the posting option is only the group admin. This feature is currently available only in the WhatsApp Beta application. It is unknown, whether any feature will be included in the WhatsApp for iOS.