Top 3 Tips for Designing Step and Repeat Banners

If you’re hosting a promotional event, using a step and repeat banner is one of the best ways to capture the attention of the attendees to your brand image while also providing a great background for the guests to click photos or selfies. The guests will then share the photos on social media platforms and the viewers will be able to know about the existence of your business.

Many marketers assume that the designing process of the step and repeat banners is easy. However, the reality is quite the opposite. You need to pay close attention while designing or choosing the perfect pattern for your step or repeat banner. Otherwise, they might fail to promote your brand. Additionally, people won’t take photos in front of the non-attractive step and repeat banners. Here are the top 3 tips you need to remember while designing step and repeat banners.

Choose the Proper Size for Your Banner

While designing your banner, make sure you choose the appropriate size. As step and repeat banners are available in various sizes, you can easily choose the one as per your preferences. Since the step and repeat banners will work as the background for photos, they should be large enough so that many people can take group photos. Small banners will cause edging problems.

One of the best tips about the sizing of the banner is to make them 9 feet tall. This is because this height is capable of covering most men and women. To pick the proper width, consider whether the guests will like to take single photos or group photos. Make sure the banner is wide enough so that it cannot create a spacing problem.

Choose the Proper Size for the Logo

Do you know how big the logo needs to be in your step and repeat banners? While taking the proper size of the logo, you might end up placing them too far in either direction. If you use a brand logo that is too small, people will face problems recognizing it in the photos. On the other hand, if the logo is too big, it will be covered when someone is posing for the photo. Therefore, make sure your logo is small yet readable so that people can identify it properly.

Keep in mind that there’s no tip regarding the proper sizing of the logo as its dependent on multiple factors. For instance, if the logo is intricate, it needs to be larger. On the other hand, a simple logo can be readable even in smaller sizes. Make sure you consider the distance between the step and repeat banner and the cameraman. This will help you determine the proper size of the logo.

Provide Moderate Space between Logos

Apart from the size, you also need to consider the logo spacing while designing your step and repeat banners. If you put too many logos with small spaces between them, the banner will look overcrowded. This will make the logos bleed together which will ultimately affect the legibility. As per Medium, negative space is important in design.

On the other hand, too much space between the logos will create negative or white space on the banner. This will make the photos look unattractive. Make sure you choose proper spacing by determining the size of the logo.


These are the top 3 tips you should remember while designing step and repeat banners. Consider contacting us if you’re looking for high-quality step and repeat banners.