Top 10 Free CAD Programs for 2D-3D Technical Drawing & Modeling

Top 10 Free CAD Programs

The CAD software are design tools and technical drawings that are used especially in architecture and engineering. Who needs to learn or work independently on a CAD program, can avoid spending a lot of money on a professional software like AutoCAD (among the most expensive of all) and use one of the valid free alternatives available below, so as to get all the CAD functions and start planning, creating and studying right away, without spending a lot of money.Top 10 Free CAD Programs

In this article I will show you the best 10 free programs to download for Windows, Mac and Linux PCs with which you can create assisted technical drawing, so you can create both 2D projects and 3D projects .

The best free CAD programs

01- SketchUp

SketchUp is one of the most popular 3d modeling software, used mainly for architectural works and other niches in the 3D design industry.SketchUpYou can install this program on Windows and Mac, obtaining a complete and professional software with numerous work and design tools included for free, as visible in the gallery of works done and shared by other users (from which you can also find some valid ideas for our work).

02- Sculptris

Sculptris is fully functiond free 3D graphic design program for Windows and Mac oprating systems.SculptrisIt is not really a technical drawing program, but it is undoubtedly one of the best software for drawing 3D models of faces, sculptures, animals and objects, with lots of photo-realistic coloring and play of light. If you want to draw in 3D with an advanced tool, this is the right program to try on our PCs and on our Macs.

03- FreeCAD

FreeCAD is an open source program for Windows, Mac and Linux that directly addresses engineering and design of products for mechanical use.FreeCADThis pragrame used for architectural projects or other engineering sectors based on 3D modeling. Although free, FreeCAD is considered an equivalent of other popular CAD programs due to its ability to create real 3D solids, support for networks, 2D drawing and many other professional features. The program is modular so expandable with many extensions.

04- BricsCAD

Another very valid program for 2D technical drawing and 3D modeling is BricsCAD.BricsCADThanks to its Office-style interface, you will be able to implement any graphic project, having a large number of tools (comparable to AutoCAD). In addition to creating new projects from scratch, the program allows you to read, modify and save DWG files, so that you can intervene on projects already implemented on AutoCAD without necessarily having to install the professional program on each of our computers.

05- Kicad

Kicad is a design tool, free to design electrical circuits on Windows, Mac and Linux.kicadThis program is designed for all electrical engineers and computer science and computer engineering specializations, so as to have a valid support in the creation of new electrical circuits and printed circuits.[adsense]

06- LibreCAD

LibreCAD is a free 2D 2D CAD drawing program that you can download on Windows, Mac and Linux.LibreCADThis very complete exhibition program for the realization of 2D projects, integrating complete tools for the realization of any work. One of the best alternatives to AutoCAD for this type of project.

07- OpenSCAD

OpenSCAD is a 3D modeling platform available for Windows, Mac and Linux.OpenSCADThis program is ideal for engineers, since you can design parts of machines using script programming as if you were programming, so as to speed up the realization of the project. With OpenSCAD you will therefore be able to carry out very complex projects using only our scripting capabilities.

08- QCAD

QCAD is an open source software available for Windows, Mac and Linux to create technical drawings of buildings, mechanical parts or even diagrams and diagrams.QCADQCAD is modular and extensible and its 2D CAD platform has many different tools for the realization of projects, while remaining easy to use even for a beginner who has little or no experience.

09- NanoCAD (Windows)

NanoCAD is a program that can be downloaded only on Windows that presents itself as a real alternative to AutoCAD.nanoCADThe program in question supports DWG files (projects already implemented on AutoCAD) and is complete with the most advanced drawing tools to be able to carry out 2D and 3D projects. In addition to creating a new project from scratch, NanoCAD allows you to modify and expand projects started with AutoCAD, while maintaining compatibility. These qualities put him among the best programs to use even in the office or at work when AutoCAD does not work or is not available.

10- 3DCrafter (Windows)

3DCrafter is a simple 3D modeling program available exclusively for Windows.3DCrafter3DCrafter serves to create animated models by drawing scenes in real time and using Drag and Drop to be able to add parts to our model. Definitely one of the most interesting projects to be able to create 3D models, even if in an extremely simpler way than programs closer to AutoCAD.

For an engineer or an architect, AutoCAD is essential, since it is the main working tool. But if you are still at university or you have more computers to work with, you can very well install one of the programs recommended in this guide, so that you can still work on 2D technical drawings and 3D projects without spending a fortune on the various AutoCAD licenses.