5 Tips to Combat Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is quite common. It happens overtime in stages, almost always directly associated with age. And to be quite honest, no one really enjoys it. Losing a part of you is never easy, especially when you have no control over it.

The condition of male pattern baldness is hereditary, so there is no cure per se. However, there are some ways that you can fight the effects of male pattern baldness. This can help you retain your confidence and feel good about the amazing person that you are, inside and out. Here are a few tips that can help you out when needed:

1. Use Topical Creams

There are numerous reasons why a topical cream might be the best solution for you. For starters, it’s very easy to apply. Simply massage it into your scalp and watch it go to work. Topical creams are also compact, making them easy to travel with while maintaining your hair.

The secret ingredient in these serums is often minoxidil. Topical minoxidil stimulates your hair follicles. It increases blood flow, which promotes hair regrowth. It also helps block the hormone that is mainly responsible for male pattern baldness, dihydrotestosterone or DHT. This medication can stop balding, or at least slow it down.

The best part? You don’t need a prescription to purchase minoxidil. It wouldn’t hurt to speak with a medical professional before seeking treatment, but the product itself is easy to acquire. You can even order it online.

2. Supplement Your Diet

What you eat directly affects your health. This includes the health of your hair and how quickly you might lose it. Improving your diet will also help improve the health of the rest of your body; from your skin to your heart to your digestive system, so it’s a win-win.

In general, the healthier you eat, the better off your hair will be. Lean proteins and vegetables promote overall health. You can read up on all the different ways a certain food can improve the metabolism and function of the various organs in your body. For hair health and growth, you want to make sure you’re eating foods with vitamins B12 and D, biotin, riboflavin, and iron.

Some people, no matter how hard they try, still struggle to get the specific nutrients that they need. In these cases, a vitamin supplement can be added to the diet. A doctor or a nutritionist can help you understand how these vitamins work and can recommend the type of supplement you should be taking.

3. Ditch Bad Habits

There are certain habits that may cause you to lose your hair more rapidly. While some of the damage may already be done, the sooner you ditch these habits, the better. You can stall or reverse the process of hair loss by removing these habits from your lifestyle.

One of the worst things you can do is smoke. Smoking restricts blood flow, preventing hair follicles from getting the nutrition they need. The more you smoke, the greater your risk of balding, along with a side of respiratory distress and heart failure.

Another factor you might not have considered related to hair loss is stress. Stress increases many different hair loss conditions, and it may even cause you to pull your own hair out. Stop and analyze what may be causing you stress, and consider what you can do to remove it. This could be finding a different job, picking up an old hobby, or even getting a dog. Less stress in your life means more hair on your head.

4. Consider Your Products and Habits

Certain hair products can actually harm your hair more than they help. Be aware of what you’re using in your hair. Look for key ingredients such as formaldehyde, parabens, sodium chloride, or even alcohol, and know these are to be avoided.

In broad terms, natural ingredients are the best course of action. Chemicals and additives may get the job done but at the risk of causing damage to your hair and scalp. Natural ingredients are softer, soothing, and less abrasive.

Another thing you should avoid is overheating your hair, which dries out the scalp and the follicles. If you use a hair dryer, keep it on a low setting. If you get your hair done at a salon and receive a treatment that uses extreme heat, do so with low frequency. This will preserve your hair better in the long run.

5. Try On Wigs and Toupees

To some, buying a wig might sound like a last resort, the final action you take before shaving your head entirely. In reality, owning a wig or toupee can be liberating. It allows you to feel like yourself again, and no one will be the wiser.

There’s a key difference between a wig and a toupee. Wigs are large pieces that aim to cover the entire head. Toupees, on the other hand, are crafted to cover a specific bald portion so it blends in seamlessly with the rest of the hair.

Wigs require less maintenance, but they don’t always look as natural as a toupee. Weigh both of your options, as well as checking price options, before making a decision. Feeling comfortable in your own skin, with or without your real hair, is what’s most important.

You may not be able to entirely avoid male pattern baldness. However, you can prevent it from affecting your life. If you think you are at risk of male pattern baldness or you already see the signs, take action today. The sooner you start taking care of your hair, the more you’ll have in the long run.