Offline Wikipedia “WikiTaxi Version 1.3.0 Free”

If you want to take Wikipedia with you while you are offline then try WikiTaxi. It is a portable application that delivers the Wikipedia of your choice to wherever you go.This unique software  give you to read, search, and browse Wikipedia offline. No Internet connection is needed, all pages are stored in a WikiTaxi database. Because Wikipedia is constantly growing, WikiTaxi uses compression to make sure that the database stays as small as possible.WikiTaxi-02[adsense]This application is a multilingual, so you can use it for different languages. It also works well with the Wiktionary and WikiQuote. You can save multiple Wikis to disk and use all of them with WikiTaxi. WikiTaxi is an offline reader and browser for Wikipedia and MediaWiki wikis.

Version History
Version 1.3.0, 20 Jun 2010
Operating Systems Win32
License Free for personal use

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