Koi Betta Fish – Care Guide

There are many various varieties of betta fish, and each has its own unique colors, patterns, and styles. One fish with a well-known pattern on its body is the koi betta fish.

Even though they have a reputation for being violent, they also display some unique behaviors, which only serve to increase their appeal.

Everything you need to know about taking care of koi bettas for the first time will be covered in this post.

Koi Betta Overview

Betta fish are available in a variety of hues and designs. They come in a range of colors and sizes. Koi bettas, a subspecies, are marbled.

Koi bettas, which are often found in garden ponds, are bred to resemble koi carp, which can be found in practically any color combination of marbled bettas.

Although a koi betta is unlikely to be discovered in the wild, more common variations are indigenous to Asia. Although they can also be found in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, they are most frequently associated with Thailand.

Siamese fighting fish is another moniker for bettas, but their scientific name is Betta splendens, so seek that in pet stores as well.

They come from the same family as gouramis and paradise fish, the Osphronemidae.

Koi bettas are one of many specifically produced kinds, making them more uncommon and so seen as exotic. As a result, they won’t be sold in many pet stores and will cost extra ($25 to $50).

Make sure the koi betta you buy is a healthy fish by giving it a thorough inspection. They should have visible wounds and disease-related marks on their body.

A problem may also be indicated by erratic or slow behavior. Visit a different store if something seems odd.

A healthy koi has a three-year lifespan.

Typical Behavior

Not the most obedient fish in the hobby are koi bettas. They are infamous for having aggressive tendencies, especially toward other species individuals.

They are fiercely possessive and, if they come across another koi betta, will engage in combat. Although men are infamous for doing this, women will also fight. They are often kept apart because of this.

Additionally, they’ll drive away other species, so tank mates should be peaceful swimmers. They will show you how they flare their gills to scare off rival fish.

Koi bettas will spend most of their time in the middle and top tiers of the tank.

They may occasionally be seen rising to the surface. They accomplish this as a result of their labyrinth organ.


Bettas come in a wide range of hues and designs. Koi bettas are created to look like the well-known koi carp. There are several aquarium species that have koi varieties.

The normal coloration of koi carp is red, orange, black, and white. This is imitated by koi bettas.

Many times, koi bettas have a few blue scales. Larger blue patches are bred into galaxy koi bettas.

They usually have small fins, similar to plakat bettas, but if you look hard enough, you can find long-finned koi bettas as well.

A koi betta will be three inches long when it is completely developed. They do not need more room because of their short fins.

Habitat and Tank Conditions

In tropical freshwaters throughout Asia, mainly in Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, koi bettas can be found. Most of them are located in rice fields and river basins.

Warm and vegetated shallow, slow-moving water would be present.

For your koi bettas to feel comfortable, you should make an effort to mimic these natural settings in your aquarium.

Tank Conditions

The substrate for the tank bottom should be fine-grained sand. Add some ornamentation on the top to attract your fish’s attention.

For your koi betta to be able to develop a territory, it is essential to have caves and shaded spots. Frequently, they will retreat to their own area.

Water is given oxygen by plants. They also offer the house.

Koi bettas need a spot to attach their bubble nests, so floating some plants on the surface of the water can be helpful if you’re trying to breed them.

Maintain a water temperature of between 75 and 80 degrees. Water should have a pH between 6.0 and 8.0 and a hardness between 5 and 35 dGH.

Tank Mates

A smaller species that shoals are a better bet. It is challenging for a koi betta to continuously pick on the same fish when they are in a group. They can readily escape since they are faster.

White Cloud Mountain Minnows, danios, tetras, and mollies are all excellent options. Kuhli loaches and Corydoras catfish, which are peaceful bottom dwellers, are also effective.

Since bettas are solitary by nature, you can keep them in the tank alone.


Even though koi bettas are hardy fish, they still need adequate aquarium maintenance to stay healthy.

Change the water once a week and remove any extra algae. Use a water testing kit to make sure the parameters are correct before doing this action each time.

Although pathogens prefer dry settings, they can be dangerous in any tank.

Koi bettas can catch a variety of prevalent freshwater illnesses, including fin rot and ICH. These infections are treatable with medicines found in pet supply stores.

These fish are vulnerable to harm since they are known to engage in combat. They might behave differently as a result, or they might become more prone to illness.


Betta fish breeding is never simple, and it is made more challenging by the fact that koi bettas will only marry in optimal conditions.

Maintaining a good cleaning routine is essential. Regularly check the water’s properties and do partial water changes.

You must also condition the male and female individually to get them ready to breed before introducing them.

Feed each animal a highly nutrient-dense food 2-4 times each day for a few weeks. Additionally, they should be kept in water that is warmer, ideally between 78 and 80 degrees.

The male should build a bubble nest once the two have been acquainted by blowing bubbles, coating them with saliva, and compressing them tightly.

The male will gather the female’s eggs when she lays them and bring them back to the nest. Then, until they hatch, he will watch over them for a few days.

The fry will need some time to develop the courage to live independently outside of the nest.