Nowadays, majority of peoples facing headache problem in their daily routine life and owing to this problem, their daily life affected badly. They may not able to work properly owing to the headache. Different people use different method to get rid of the aforesaid problem. However, we have tried to enlist seven main causes which have led the headache in the human body. Bellow is Some very important tips and its health benefits to keep away from the headache:
1. Don’t Miss Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner:
It is being in our practice that the people who are working in office environment did not take proper lunch. According to recent analysis reports, if a person does not take meal within 06 hours, then the quantity of sugar decreases from its blood. It is necessary to provide glucose to brain continuously. In the result of decreasing sugar level in blood, veins of blood shrink and provide the required amount of glucose to brain according to its necessity. Shrinking of veins leads blood pressure in the human body and at result the said person fell headache.
2. Avoid Taking Rich Acidic Foods:
Keep avoid all the food items which contain ammonia and ammonia acids. Avoid also unnecessary soft drinks. It leads acidity in the body. As affect, headache felt by such persons.[adsense]
3. Iron & Vitamin-B:
Use of Iron Transformation of Oxygen into the blood is the main work done by Iron in the human body. When the level of iron decrease in the body, then the level of Oxygen will also become lower. As affect, blood veins expands, which may also cause of headache.
4. Adopt Healthy Life Style:
Surrounding Environment having much effect in connection with human health. Moreover, if a person does not properly sleep, then it should possible that he fell headache. Similarly, smoking is also affected and drop oxygen level in the human body. Exercise on regular basis can end this problem.
5. Avoid Late Siting in One Position:
Late siting in the office or at home still in one position without movement is also lead headache pain. Owing to still position resist the flow of blood in the human body. Make changes the position right setting and also move and walk time to time during working hours.
6. Out Door Chemical Environment:
Dust and chemical particles in air, different sort fragrances, paints, etc. may also initiate headache pain. As a result, blood veins expands or sometime might shrinks.
7. Keep Away From Sun Light:
Due to continuously working in Sunlight, face tissues may get affected. In result headache pain felt by said person. Avoid working in sunlight environment continuously.