How to Ensure Your Remote Employees Are Being Productive?

Remote Employees

As a business owner, the level of motivation of the remote employees often creates a lot of apprehension. With lack of infrastructure and supervision, ensuring that the employees are being productive can be a burning question that most business owners face.
However, in a dynamic turn of events, the functions of employees can be monitored regardless of their location. Remote working employees can also be monitored and supervised to ensure the work is being done properly.Remote EmployeesNewer and better methodologies have emerged that ensure that the employee engagement and adherence to functions is confirmed. These methodologies are multifaceted and include different aspects of basic employee functions.


Communication plays a very important role in business. For some customer centric roles, communication is the sole determinant factor of the employee’s efficiency at work.

With calls and communication methodology playing such an important role, investing in the right communication strategy is important. Therefore, to ensure that the employees are able to function smoothly in a remote manner, the communication strategy must be ascertained.

From seeking a 0161 area code from WeNumber to having the basic infrastructural set up available, a remotely compatible communication system is needed.

You can navigate to WeNumber to see the very many ways in which communication can be streamlined through codes and numbers. As a virtual number provider, WeNumbers offers a lot of reliable alternatives to make your business’ communication choices phone system in ukThe remote compatibility is ensured through call forwarding and redirecting options. Thus, there is less reliance on office communication infrastructure. This also curbs dependability on office infrastructure even in times of crisis.

Prioritize Employee Interests

You do not need to make the employees feel micromanaged or immensely supervised. The supervision must be put on the tasks accomplished and not on the work hours. An overtly interfering lead can create unnecessary turbulence in the work relationship.
Therefore, the employees interests must be given priority. They must feel heard and answered and receive official support when needed. Further, team interactive sessions also create a feeling of belongingness.

From conference calls to bilateral, all is possible through today’s robust communication lines. A business must incorporate these to ensure that instead of being apprehensive of remote functions, a business can be supportive of them.

Internal Communication

Remote working kind of negatively impacts the employee camaraderie that needs eons to build. To make up for the compromised physical camaraderie and feeling of togetherness, internal communication must be strengthened remotely.

The employee engagement must be enhanced by way of video conferencing, conference calls, weekly meetings, target setting, etc. The employees must also have infrastructural support in engaging and communicating with each other.

Chatting, calling, mails and other professional ways of interactions must be in place. Most functions are interdependent and this requirement of assisting each other in functionality must be met.

Good Line management

A good line management must be in place to ensure that the employees report to someone in a regular manner. Any suggestions, feedback or questions can be referred to the line manager.

There must be a discouragement of micro management and encouragement of reporting in a regular manner. Collective team meetings and one-on-one communications can be undertaken by the line manager to make sure that work is being conducted properly.

Technological Support

Some functions are extensively technological in nature. It must be ensured that an IT team dedicated towards issue redressal and grievance reporting is there to make sure that any infrastructural glitches are solved.

The Information Technology team must be there for supporting the non-technical team in any technology related fall outs. The email Ids and phone numbers of such technical team numbers must be provided to the employees to make sure they know where to address such issues.


Sometimes lack of office infrastructural support means that the employee has to put in his own personal resources. From paying the enhanced internet bill to using their own stationery costs and other business related costs met directly by employees, they must all be reimbursed.

Getting reimbursement for incurring cost on behalf of the company is imperative to build on a culture of justifiable costs. The employees will not shy off from using resources in a justifiable way as long as they know that the cost can be covered.[adsense]

On the other hand, not paying the employees for the costs rendered by them on behalf of the company will seep in negativity and job dissatisfaction in them. So, to ensure that the staff stays motivated, business owners must pay for the cost incurred on their behalf.

HR support

Human resources play an important role in remote working. The employees can have their set of apprehensions and questions regarding the functioning. The human resource team must provide efficient guidelines that can help the staff in better performance.

Remote working tips can also be provided so as to ensure that the staff has necessary suggestions to adapt to the different work location. Any questions can be directed to the relevant HR team.

Increased Reviews and Performance Evaluations

While remote working distorts the team spirit and team building to a great extent, there are ways to ensure that employee performance is not compromised by remote working. Increased performance reviews and evaluations are a great way of doing the same.

Everyone performs their best around the time a performance review is due. More recurrent performance reviews make sure that the employees feel the urge to perform better in a way that is recognizable. This subliminally helps the final purpose of the business.


Ensuring that your team is being its productive best while working remotely is important for a business’s success. Employees are vital variables for a business’s success and their importance must be levied in supporting this culture.

Your business can navigate to WeNumber to seek calling solutions for remote working. Further, 0161 area code from WeNumber can ensure that remote working facilities are available.

With the right infrastructural and technical support, the employees will have the impetus to perform their best. It’s a blessing that we live in the times wherein remote communication is as good as face to face interaction.