If you want to check out your favorite websites all information like its traffic, earnings, then W3 Snoop are a good source. Simply enter your favorite domain name in the search box at the top of the page and hit Snoop. There are no daily limits and no fees to get reports of any websites just a minute.
For example Facebook W3 Snoop Report:
1- Facebook.com is hosted in Menlo Park CA, United States on a server with an IP address of
2- The local currency for Menlo Park CA, United States is USD ($).
3- The website facebook.com is expected to be earning an estimated $4,155,126 USD on a daily basis.
4- If facebook.com was to be sold it would possibly be worth $1,516,620,831 USD.
5- According to Its google Pagerank analysis, the url facebook.com currently has a Pagerank of 0/10.
6- According to W3 Snoop records indicate that facebook.com receives an estimated 955,678,874 unique visitors each day.[adsense]
Check out your favorite website’s Information, traffic, estimated earnings from this link: www.w3snoop.com