There was a time, pictures had to be taken after thinking. The roll in the camera allows only 36 pictures it was no question of making unnecessary pictures. But today if we see the open gallery of our smart phone, so many pictures are hard to count. Being a camera phone to come from the rubbish pictures. In addition, throughout the day we receive hundreds of images through WhatsApp and other messaging applications. As a result, it becomes suggests, the phone’s storage is extremely fast to fill.
In this era of fast, not enough time to someone, that seeing the pictures to delete the unnecessary images in them. But when suddenly you get this message, your phone’s storage is almost full, have to face the problem. Siftr Magic Cleaner is the best solution came in the form of application. This Magic application can scan all the pictures in the gallery in a special mechanism can identify unnecessary photographs of them. As the smartphone there is no limit to the photos, so we have made dozens of pictures of the same pose or anything. This application can show the filter not only photos, but also can delete them.
Nowadays very good cameras are installed in the smartphone, it is also a very large image made from them. If you are worried about recruiting phone pictures due to storage, the easy solution of this, before installing Google Photos application, this app has all your media files can be uploaded to your Google account. After install Siftr Magic Cleaner app, You can delete all unnecessary images, and can get a big empty space.[adsense]
This app is available free for both Android and iOS platforms.
Download for Android – Download for iPhone