Class 6 Science Exam: Chapter Wise Important Topics


Science is a subject that combines Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Let us discuss each chapter and all the important topics under it.

  1. Chapter 1 “Food: where does it come from” – This is the first chapter of the class 6 Science book.

    1. In this chapter, the first thing that you need to study is what food is. Learn the definition of food and why living organisms need food.
    2. After this, you should learn about the classification of animals. Organisms can be classified as herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores based on the type of food they eat.
    3. After this, you need to learn about various parts of a plant and which parts are edible.
    4. Lastly, learn about which food products are plant products, and which food products are animal products.
  2. Chapter 2 “Components of food” – This is the second chapter of the class 6 Science book.

    1. In this chapter, you are going to learn what food is made up of. All the nutrients that we get from food are an important part of this chapter.
    2. Then we will learn the categories of nutrients such as carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Be sure to keep in mind the name of at least five foods that are rich in a certain kind of nutrient.
    3. The next important thing in this chapter is the diseases that are caused by a certain nutrient deficiency. You need to learn the names of diseases and the deficiency of the nutrient that causes these diseases.
    4. Lastly, understand and learn what a balanced diet is.
  3. Chapter 3 “Fiber to Fabric” – This is the third chapter in your class 6 science book.

    1. In this chapter, you need to focus on the different types of fiber available in nature.
    2. You also have to learn about the different types of synthetic fibers, that is, fibers that are made artificially in a factory.
    3. Learn the difference between natural fibers and synthetic fibers.
    4. Then, learn about how fibers are made into fabrics that are used to make cloth.
  4. Chapter 4 “Sorting materials into groups” – This is the 4th chapter in your class 6 science book.

    1. In this chapter, you will focus on the various types of material available in the world.
    2. Focus on the characteristics of each material, what they look like, what they feel like, what they are used to make, and so on.
    3. Once you learn about each type of material, learn about at least five things that are made of that material.
    4. After you are done with the chapter, you should be able to identify what everything is made up of.
  5. Chapter 5 “Separation of substances” – This is the fifth chapter of your class 6 science book.

    1. In this chapter, you will learn what a mixture is.
    2. The only thing to focus on in this chapter is the different ways used to separate a mixture.
    3. Take note of the procedure of each method of separation.
    4. Learn which method is used to separate what kinds of mixtures. If you know these, you will be able to solve questions related to this chapter easily.
  6. Chapter 6 “Changes around us” – This is the sixth chapter in your class 6 science book.

    1. In this chapter, the main focus is on reversible and irreversible changes.
    2. Learn the difference between these two types of changes.
    3. Then, learn examples of each change.
    4. By the end of this chapter, you should be able to identify what changes are reversible and what changes are irreversible.
  7. Chapter 7 “Getting to know plants” – This is the 7th chapter of your class 6 science book.

    1. In this chapter, you will learn all the basics about plants.
    2. Focus on learning about the types of plants, the functions of each part of a plant, and other important features of various types of plants.
    3. This chapter is very important as learning this will help you learn advanced plant science in higher classes.
  8. Chapter 8 “Body movements” – This is the eighth chapter of your class 6 science book.

    1. In this chapter, the main focus is on the skeletal and muscular systems, that is, the organ systems that aid in the movement of the body.
    2. Focus on learning the functions of bones and joints and different types of muscles and how they help you to move around.
    3. Also, learn the difference between movement and locomotion.
  9. Chapter 9 “The Living Organisms — Characteristics and Habitats” – This is the ninth chapter of your class 6 science book.

    1. This chapter deals with living organisms and their surroundings.
    2. All you need to focus on in this chapter is the different types of habitats of different living beings.
    3. Also, focus on the characteristics of each type of plant according to their habitats.
  10. Chapter 10 “Motion and Measurement of Distances” – This is the tenth chapter of your class 6 science book. It is a Physics chapter. Other than the science part, you also have to do a few numerical problems.

    1. The main focus for this chapter should be on the concepts of measurement and motion. If you know the concepts, you will have no problem solving the exercises and numerical problems.
    2. Another thing that you should focus on is the formulas for the numerical problems.
  11. Chapter 11 “Light, Shadows and Reflections” – This is the eleventh chapter of your class 6 science book. This is also a Physics chapter, so you should proceed with this chapter in the same way that you did with the previous chapter.

    1. This chapter deals with the study of light, shadows, and reflection.
    2. Learn the concepts and the formulas before you practice.
  12. Chapter 12 “Electricity and circuits” – This is the twelfth chapter of your class 6 science book.

    1. As this is another physics chapter, the focus should be on understanding the concepts of electricity and circuit.
    2. The working of a circuit is a very important topic.
    3. Remember all the symbols related to a circuit diagram.
    4. Practice the numerical problems.[adsense]
  13. Chapter 13 “Fun with Magnets”- This is the thirteenth chapter of your class 6 science book.

    1. It focuses on magnets.
    2. Focus on magnetic field lines, types of magnets, and any formulas if necessary.
  14. The fourteenth and fifteenth chapters are water and air respectively. These chapters focus on the definition and functions of water and air. You should learn about why these elements are important to us.

  15. The last chapter deals with types of garbage, different methods of garbage disposal, and the harmful effects if garbage is not disposed of properly.

If you focus on the above-mentioned topics and refer to the NCERT science book class 6 solutions pdf free download for each chapter, you will be able to cover the whole syllabus evenly. GOOD LUCK!