Acupuncture is Distortion of Energy which makes movement in the human body (which is known as Soul). According to Chinese, there are two powers in this Universe. One is positive power called “Yeng”. The second one is negative power called as “Yen”. If they remain equal, then no distortion will occur in the human body? If any one of the above mentioned powers will change (Min or Max) then distortion will be occurred in sort of disease.
Acupuncture comes from Latin language which mean putting needles into someone’s skin. During this treatment, the patient has no needs to take medicines. The patient can be cured by only inserting pins or needle into a specific portion of skin.
Sedative Points:
In the human body there are 360 plus acupuncture points which are known as general sedative points. 9 points from these are most special points regarding the physiology and blood pressure.
Sedative Points for Low Blood Pressure & Body Weakness:
For this purpose, in acupuncture treatment there are only 03 sedative points where you only need to insert needles pins for a while. There 03 points are below.
SP-6, 6-REN, 36-ST
A motivation could be produced at that point by inserting a needle pin. In result, patients will be cured by weakness and low blood pressure.[adsense]
Sedative Points for First Aid (Especially Road Accident):
Affected persons by road accident can also be cured by acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture first aid points are as below.
Kidney one (K1) situated at bottom of feet.
Ditto venti Mix (26-DU) situated at bottom of the nose and up side of the lips.
It is mentioned here that in case of emergency if you have no needle for inserting purpose, then press above mentioned portions of your body with the help of your hand thumb. These points are also being used in back pain and in the case of strokes.
Sedative Point for Pain Relief:
A point which is called Hoko (4-Li) is used for relief of pain cure. If a patient felt pain in his body at any portion then pressing the position of (4-Li) by thumb.