Alternatives of Sovaldi- Antiviral Medicine of Hepatitis C and HIV

There are three types of Hepatitis (HIV), and has been named hepatitis A, B and C. According to medical experts, hepatitis A is not dangerous disease and patients suffering from this type of hepatitis in many cases are often recovered without treatment. However, this means the disease’s symptoms and medical advice must not neglect. But, according to experts, hepatitis B and C infection can be a fatal disease. An estimated five million people have hepatitis viruses in the body around the world. Normally the viral person is unaware of his illness. But according to experts has declared a time bomb in the patient’s body.

Hepatitis C is considered to be a difficult disease to treat. Doctors recommend the most expensive vaccine for the treatment of hepatitis C, which only dead the virus of this disease. He often fails, especially for those patients before the HIV disease attacks, visually the liver patient. simply it is a silent killer because a lot of people infected with this disease, and shows no apparent symptoms for several years, until the last stage. Apart from this, according to a recent study, medial experts recommend the people aging from 18 to 79 to get hcv antibody test at least once.

Hepatitis C is a viral disease, is caused by Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). Interferon injection is commonly treatment of hepatitis C, that injects on a day or after three days. Recently a new medicine named “Sovaldi” for this disease is available all over the world. Sovaldi (Sofosbuvir) is manufactured by Gilead Sciences, United States. Savage is more effective than current interferon alpha 2b or pegylated interferon treatment therapy, which costs more with low efficacy and more side effects. The recommended dose of sofosbuvir is 400 mg taken orally once a day.


Hepatitis C is a viral disease, is caused by Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). Interferon injection is most commonly treatment of hepatitis C, that injects on a day or after three days. Recently a new medicine named “Sovaldi”for this disease is available all over the world. Sovaldi (Sofosbuvir) is manufactured by Gilead Sciences, United States. Savage is more effective than current interferon alpha 2b or pegylated interferon treatment therapy, which costs more with low efficacy and more side effects. The recommended dose of sofosbuvir is 400 mg taken orally once a day.[adsense]
Gilead Sciences is the manufacturer for sofosbuvir (Sovaldi) and $85,000 price for a course of treatment in United State. Sleeved pack of 28 tablets price is $ $815 in United Kindom, and price is Rs 55,000 in Pakistan. Recently the Ferozsons announce to provide tablets direct to patients at a price of Rs 32,300 per monthly dose of Sovaldi.

Alternatives of Sovaldi (Sofosbuvir):

1- Sofiget:
Alternative to Sovaldi Anti-viralsGeneric from Sofosbuvir company. Oral Direct Acting Antiviral (DAA) product indicated for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) infection as a component of a combination antiviral treatment regimen in adults. Price of 400 mg Tablitsis Rs 5,600 or 53 $ approximately.
2- Sofohil:
Another good alternative to Sovaldi Anti-viralsGeneric from Sofosbuvir company. the new miracle therapy for the treatment of Hepatitis-C. Price of 400 mg Tablitsis Rs.5, 000 or 50 $ approximately.
3- SofoVir:
Suffer manufactured by Hetero can be used to treat HCV genotypes 1, 2, 3, and 4. commonly used in combination with other drugs. It may also be used to treat people with both hepatitis C and HIV. Price of 400 mg Tablitsis Rs.31, 000 or 300 $ approximately.
4- Sofomac:
Another alternatives of Sovaldi generic Name is Sofosbuvir For the treatment of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) infection as a component of a combination antiviral treatment regimen. Sofosbuvir efficacy has been established in patients with HCV genotype 1, 2, 3 or 4 infections, including those with hepatocellular carcinoma meeting Milan criteria and those with HCV/HIV-1 co-infection.