6 Ways To Efficiently Recruit Top Talent For Your Business


Today’s labor market is as competitive as it’s ever been. Job seekers hold most of the leverage, and top talent has raised the bar for employers. Before signing on to a job, applicants are demanding the right mix of flexibility, culture, balance, and development. And while there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to attracting talent, having a strong recruitment game in place is a must.

Quality and efficiency in your recruitment strategies will ensure you can draw in and secure the best of the best. From the initial job posting through their onboarding, top-tier candidates will expect a quick, smooth, and organized process. Qualified applicants do not wait around for long. Before you miss out on another dream employee, try these six suggestions for efficiently recruiting top talent for your business.

1. Think Globally

To stay competitive in today’s job market, you’ve got to think globally. Why limit your potential talent pool to domestic applicants when you can use global headhunters like PIXCELL and expand your search to reach a worldwide audience?
International recruitment isn’t just for big corporations anymore; the wide world of talent can be just as accessible to smaller companies.

With the aid of global payroll providers, you no longer need to establish local legal entities in the countries from which you are hiring. This means you can bring in full-time employees as well as contract workers. These services handle the burden of managing complicated international taxes and labor law compliance, so hiring international employees is no more complicated than hiring local employees in your own country. Their HR services also allow you to develop location-appropriate benefits packages with competitive salaries. Whether you hire one international employee or 100, you can be sure your company is prepared to accommodate them.

2. Spice Up Your Postings

Job listings are all about first impressions. Whether you’re posting to your careers page or sites like Indeed and LinkedIn, you’re selling your company’s brand. It’s easy to be simplistic and formulaic here. While clarity and accuracy are essential, you need to stand out from the endless sea of online job postings. You essentially need to market both your organization as well as the position you are trying to fill.

Begin by having an ideal candidate in mind for every new job opening. Writing an engaging and creative ad tailored to your perfect applicant will increase the chances of actually attracting them. Use language that is personal, inclusive, and reflective of your company’s culture. Be sure to highlight the unique opportunities your organization can offer candidates. Because at the end of the day, job seekers will want to know what’s in it for them.

3. Automate Where Possible

Talent acquisition takes a lot of time, money, and effort. Automating certain aspects of the recruitment process will enable you to better allocate resources where they truly make a difference. A plethora of recruiting tools are available to quickly and easily advertise listings, screen and track applicants, and onboard new hires.

An ATS applicant tracking system can both find and attract applicants, in addition to creating a better experience for candidates. ATS solutions are efficient and effective, and they can do much of the initial applicant pre-screening. This leaves recruiters and human resources representatives more time and energy for courting top candidates. Skill assessment and interview software can help you further automate your screening process.

4. Develop a Talent Pipeline

An ATS is also a great aid in building a robust talent pipeline. A talent pipeline is a cohort of possible applicants who are prepared to jump into organizational roles as soon as they are available. These are individuals who have shown promise and with whom you continue to build relationships for future positions. This pool may be composed of prior job candidates, former employees who left on good terms, college interns, and passive candidates.

Creating a talent pipeline is not an overnight affair; rather, it’s a long-game strategy that may entail fostering certain relationships over several years. You might begin vetting potential future candidates at a college job fair and continue building these relationships past graduation. This model depends heavily on good communication as well as having a strong vision of where your company is headed. While not an easy lift, this approach will give you access to some of the best talent well before your competition.

5. Get Social

Job boards and search engines are a great way to get your listings seen by an audience of active candidates. But what about the passive candidates, who, although employed, might be willing to move if given the right opportunity? There is a strong link between employer branding and talent acquisition. Social media allows you to spotlight your company while also engaging and attracting potential candidates.

LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can be used to showcase your company culture, post employee spotlights, and share customer testimonials. You can use hashtags to target specific followers or search hashtags to find and build relationships with potential future candidates. These platforms house billions of monthly users and the potential for #HiringTopTalent is endless.

6. Craft the Perfect Package

While competitive salaries are certainly motivating, they are not the only incentive to attract and retain talent. The ideal ratio of compensation to benefits will be different for each individual. Health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off are just the basics when negotiating benefits packages.

Remote work, flexible hybrid schedules, and family leave give employees the agency to shape their work-life balance as needed. Some companies have moved to unlimited PTO, which again sends the message that candidates’ personal lives are valued. Commencing pay and insurance before official start dates allows candidates time to refresh and regroup between jobs. Other perks might include signing bonuses, cell phone and internet stipends, and reduced summer hours.

Acquiring talent is no easy feat. To succeed, cast a global net, be generous in your signing packages, and take a creative and personal approach to recruiting. Prioritize maintaining good relationships and keep a full pipeline of potential applicants. With these tactics, you will create the best possible conditions for attracting and landing top candidates.