Anybody cannot deny the power of your words, quotes and their effects. Real Goal of life is to win hearts. If people hearten by yourself, then they hate you. If you have the ability to make them happy then you achieve the right Goal of your life. Sometimes, it will difficult to Win hearts of your beloved ones by attitude. However, we have tried a little bit to show you the real effect of these seven powerful words which can change your life completely.
Just add them in your life, you could also feel your changed behavior. The people, whom hate you in the past will definitely in love with you after adopting these words. There are two powers in this universe, we knows as Positive and Negative. Always tried to choose right track which will defiantly help you to groom up your future. Avoid unnecessary things and tried to less annoying. This habit always makes you loose.
Power of Your Words Quotes:
It has also seen that when you are worried owning to any problem, as a result you annoyed with everyone. Just tried to cool down in such situation. In following, 7 Powerful Magic Words are described which have the ability to change your life completely. Because words have the power to change your life in a day.
Bundle of Thanks Sir:
In response to any kindness received by others, always pay your words as “Bundles of Thanks Sir”. This Quote will amazingly affect on hearts. You receive a quick smile on lips of second person. On its behind, you have one heart and also achieve the real Goal.
Your Kindness:
If a kind person shows his/her kindness at any situation then you would to say “your kindness”. This quote will also leads happiness. I have already written on Harsh and Brittle Words, try to avoid these words.[adsense]
Your favor & Recompense:
If you feel that in any harming situation, someone helps you then reward him as your favor Sir. This will act as thankfulness to second person. Honor will be doubled in his hearts automatically.
You took care of me:
Care is the best medicine of the world which have the best healing power. If you feel that someone care of you then reward him as awarding these words that are “You took Care of Me”. He will be happy and will more care of you in future. you can also read the best caring Ideas.
You have increased My Pride:
To do best with your beloved will increased Pride. If you feel that someone performing especial for your personality, then for wining his heart, tell him that “You have increased My Pride, Sir”. The effect of this thing will in shape by getting more respect for you.
I am Proud of You:
If you feel pride as detail above, someone also is proud of you. But, how? Just tell him about that. Try to make love with care and hope to make proud.
I Love You:
At last, don’t hesitate to pay your words to your beloved ones in the shape of “I Love You”. These three words are the Most Powerful Magic Words of the universe if it have truth behind the same. Just tried to make a true relationship with everyone. Don’t break and play with the emotions of peoples. That will also be heartened and annoying reason. Just tried to facilitate with your best to others.