A lot of different ways to send money that are safe and easy. So Check with your institution to find out the best way for you. Every one knows who works on the internet, that PayPal is an international e-commerce business allowing payments and money transfers to be made through the Internet. below are some other good Payments And Money Transfers Online Networks.
[adsense]1- PayPal is belong to Palo Alto, California, United States and founded in December 1998. They are number one in online transactions that do not need a credit card. Its Global Rank is 39 and 16 rank in United States.
2- WebMoney is a good way to transfer money, this platform belongs to USSR and established in 1998. It is a is a global settlement system and environment for online business activities. Its global rank is 1,070, and 70 ranks in Russia.
3- Skrill is a another safe payment service that can be used for anything you want, online purchases, money transfers, withdrawal payments to be made through the Internet. This company belongs to London, United Kingdom and founded in 2001. Its Global Rank is 1,872 and 2,353 ranks in India.
4- Payza is a also good place to use for your business. I have been using for a long time when it was Alertpay in 2004, so you can trust the website. Now AlertPay account is Payza, belong to London, United Kingdom and founded in 2012. Its Global Rank is 4,767 and 7,761 ranks in the United States.
5- Bitcoin is a just like paying online similar to PayPal. It is an open-source peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or trust them much more than the banks. Belong to United States and established in 2009. Its Global Rank is 9,834 and 8,570 ranks in the United States.
6- EgoPay is another trusted Payments And Money Transfers platform. They provide facility your fund account via an exchange by bank wire, credit card, western union, check, etc., you can instantly transfer funds to one of our listed merchants. Its Global Rank is 6,891 and 3,399 ranks in Russia.
7- EntroPay gives you an easy, safe way to pay online in the form of a Prepaid Virtual Visa Card. They give you a safe credit card which is virtual will help in secure online shopping. Platform belongs to Ixaris Systems, Ltd and established in 2000. Its Global Rank is 9,640 and 1,623 ranks in India.