Switch Off and Clean Your Browser Unnecessary Personal Data or Information Using GoogleClean

GoogleClean is a powerful application that can help you switch Off and Clean your unnecessary personal data sending from various Google applications. GoogleClean can supports Google Web Applications such as YouTube, Google Chrome, Google Analytics Tracking , Google Toolbar, Google Desktop Search, Google Earth, Google Updater and Google Picasa. It can find and delete local data of Google web applications like YouTube or Google Mail, Web Search, Mail, Maps, etc.

Google Radar is a small application of GoogleClean can watch out for Google data likes cookies or garbage files while you are working. It can delete this Google data when it is not needed anymore. [adsense]

GoogleClean main features:

1- Google Radar protection
2- Switch off Google spy functionality
3- Supported Google-Applications
4- Cleans Tracking-Cookies
5- Delete Google-Traces
6- Protect your Computer automatically

Signup with Google ID and download 30 days trial version GoogleClean v4. If you like this application then buy Pro version and get all features: www.abelssoft.net