Once you have an essay drafted, it’s time to start the real work: turning it into your best work. The following tips should help you make a rough draft into your best work. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

- Do you have a clear thesis statement?
You don’t have to write in the middle school, five-paragraph format, but you should have a clear point that the rest of the essay emphasizes, and it should be the last sentence of your introduction.
- Does your thesis clearly address the prompt?
One of the easiest mistakes to make in writing a college essay is not answering the question they ask. For example, if the question is describing your high school experience, you shouldn’t write In high school, I attended a prestigious fellowship program at X university, for your thesis. You can instead write something like My high school experience was enhanced by several academic programs at my school, like online paper writing service, and this experience inspired me to study certain disciplines in high school, which changed my outlook on life.
- Do the ideas of each paragraph flow logically?
The last thing you want in a college is to not make sense. Go over your body paragraphs, adjust your transitions and main points so readers can follow your logic, and make the most out of your essay.
- Do you use elevated diction and eloquent style?
Use some of those fancy words you used while studying for your SAT, and throw in a few correctly used semicolons, colons, and dashes. Check out the guides for improving your writing style. Don’t use clichés!
- Is your message inspiring?
It’s definitely a challenge, but to write a great essay, you need to leave readers inspired. This can be improved most easily in the conclusion.
- Do you include the list of sources?
In the essay, you can add a list of sources (links) – this is a list of materials to which the author refers in his work. Such a list will be appropriate in an essay, where the author often refers to works, scientific research, statistics, statements of authoritative experts. To format the source, include the author’s first and last name, source title, publication year and, if necessary, an electronic link.[adsense]
An essay, in order to be unique, must reveal the personality of a person – it is your personality that is the key factor when all the other stages of the competition have been passed, and you need to stand out from the mass of other good candidates. There is no need to be afraid to talk about your mistakes, doubts, failures, because they are a formative experience that some try to hide, while others turn into gold. If you make an essay a sincere story about yourself, then the reader will truly empathize, reflect on what has been written, and, perhaps, something will change in it after reading the work. Therefore, a sincere and honest essay will never go unnoticed and will allow you to achieve the desired goal.