Online Drug Calculations and Quiz test for Medical Professionals

Medicine calculations for health experts will be helpful to anyone who has a purpose or interest in teaching or learning medication calculations. This is certainly a great tool to help students, nurses, paramedics, allied health professionals and doctors to sharpen their skills or maintain competency. Learning is created fun and easy. Teachers, staff development co-coordinators, librarians and managers will find it easy to provide custom-made tests of all types.Online Drug Calculations

Also print and release tests, keep records of results and produce professional reports. Figuring out the number of tablets or capsules to give to a patient is one of the most frequent that a nurse or other health professional is required to make. So this unique health source will help you to improve the knowledge.[adsense]

This great site showcases a range of software and web alternatives developed by Richard Lakeman. Richard has been growing website pages and software since 1994. He is an academic, medical professional and specialist. The technical projects this individual has been involved in have often been a result of a sensible} need or professional interest.

These types of four tests have recently been created by the software program Drug Calculations for Healthcare professionals. If you like it register to get further practice, help, more calculators and other calculation problems. try it for free.