3 Most Useful Tools for HRs When Hiring New Talent

Recruiting and hiring the right talent is critical to the success of any company. The process of finding and attracting the right candidate for a job can be time-consuming and challenging. However, when done correctly, it can be incredibly rewarding for the organization. The hiring process is especially important as it can determine the future of the company, including its growth, productivity, and overall success.

The process of finding the right candidate can be made easier by using the right tools. Human Resource (HR) departments have a range of tools at their disposal to streamline the hiring process and ensure that they’re making the best hiring decisions. These tools can help to assess candidate skills, measure their qualifications, and predict their future job performance.

In this blog, we will discuss three tools that HRs can use when hiring new talent. The first tool is Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), which can help with resume screening and candidate tracking. The second tool is Video Interviewing Platforms, which can save time and make it easier to reach a wider pool of candidates. The third tool is Background Check Services, which can help verify a candidate’s employment history, qualifications, and criminal background. By utilizing these tools, HRs can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their hiring process, ultimately leading to better hiring decisions and stronger teams.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a software application that helps organizations manage their recruitment process more effectively. ATS software automates the collection, screening, and tracking of job applications, making the hiring process more streamlined and efficient.

When a candidate applies for a job, their resume and other relevant information are uploaded into the ATS system. The ATS then uses algorithms to automatically scan and evaluate the resume for relevant skills, experience, education, and qualifications. Based on this evaluation, the ATS ranks the candidate’s resume, and the recruiter or hiring manager can then easily identify the most qualified candidates.

One of the main benefits of using an ATS is the ability to save time and increase efficiency in the hiring process. The software automates several tedious and time-consuming tasks, such as collecting resumes and applications, organizing candidate information, and tracking their progress through the hiring process. The use of an ATS can help HR professionals to spend less time on administrative tasks and more time on developing and implementing effective hiring strategies.

Another significant benefit of using an ATS is that it can help HR professionals to ensure compliance with hiring regulations. The software can track and store all hiring-related documents and communication, ensuring that the hiring process is transparent and meets legal requirements.

Overall, an ATS can be an essential tool for HRs when hiring new talent. By automating many of the time-consuming and tedious tasks associated with recruitment, an ATS can help HR professionals to work more efficiently and effectively, ultimately leading to better hiring decisions and stronger teams.

Background Check Services

In today’s fast-paced business environment, it’s more critical than ever for employers to conduct thorough background checks on potential hires. Conducting background checks on candidates can help minimize the risk of hiring someone who could pose a safety or legal risk to the company. To conduct a comprehensive risk assessment, businesses can even enlist the expertise of a local privateĀ detective service. A skilled and experienced local private detective can conduct thorough investigations, gather relevant information, and analyze potential risks that might not be immediately apparent.

Background checks can uncover a range of information about a candidate, including their criminal history, employment history, education, credit history, and more. By verifying this information, employers can gain a more accurate understanding of a candidate’s qualifications and suitability for the job.

One of the main reasons why conducting background checks is important is to minimize the risk of hiring someone who could pose a safety or legal risk to the company. For example, if a candidate has a history of violence or theft, this could be a red flag for potential issues in the workplace. Background checks can also help employers to identify any discrepancies or inaccuracies in a candidate’s resume, such as if they lied about their employment history or education.

HRs can conduct several different types of background checks on potential hires, including criminal history checks, employment verification, education verification, credit history checks, and more. Criminal history checks are especially important for positions that involve handling sensitive information or working with vulnerable populations. Employment verification can help to confirm a candidate’s previous work experience and ensure that they have the necessary qualifications for the job. Education verification is essential to ensure that candidates have the required education for a particular role.

There are many reputable background check services available that HRs can use to conduct these checks. One such service is Instant Checkmate, which provides instant background checks on individuals. This service can uncover a range of information, including criminal records, driving records, and more. The platform also includes a feature to help HRs verify if an applicant has lied on their resume or application, which can be a valuable tool in the hiring process.

Video Interviewing Platforms

In recent years, video interviewing has emerged as a popular tool for HR professionals when hiring new talent. Video interviewing allows HR professionals to conduct interviews with candidates remotely using video conferencing software, as opposed to traditional in-person interviews.

Video interviewing offers several benefits over traditional in-person interviews. First, video interviewing can save time and money by eliminating the need for candidates to travel for interviews. This can be especially beneficial for companies that have a global workforce or for candidates who are located in remote or hard-to-reach areas. Video interviewing also allows HR professionals to conduct more interviews in less time, as they can schedule and conduct interviews at a more convenient time without needing to coordinate travel schedules.

Another advantage of video interviewing is that it can help HR professionals reach a wider pool of candidates. Video interviewing can be especially useful for companies that have trouble attracting top talent to their location. Video interviewing platforms can help HR professionals connect with candidates from around the world, ultimately increasing the chances of finding the best talent for the job.

In summary, video interviewing platforms offer HR professionals several advantages over traditional in-person interviews, including saving time and money, reaching a wider pool of candidates, and increased efficiency. Some popular video interviewing platforms that HR professionals can consider include HireVue, Spark Hire, and VidCruiter, among others. When choosing a video interviewing platform, HR professionals should consider their specific hiring needs and select a platform that offers the features and functionality that are most important for their organization.


In conclusion, HR professionals have several tools at their disposal to help streamline the hiring process and make informed hiring decisions.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) can help HR professionals automated resume screening, track candidate progress, and save time on administrative tasks. Video Interviewing Platforms can help HR professionals save time and money on traditional in-person interviews, reach a wider pool of candidates, and increase efficiency. Background Check Services can help HR professionals to verify candidate qualifications and minimize the risk of hiring someone who could pose a safety or legal risk to the company.

By leveraging these tools, HR professionals can make more informed hiring decisions and build a strong, talented team. The use of these tools can help HR professionals save time and increase efficiency in the hiring process, while also ensuring that they make the best possible hiring decisions.

It’s important for HR professionals to carefully consider their specific hiring needs and select the tools that offer the functionality and features that are most important for their organization. The right tools can help HR professionals to identify the best candidates for the job and ultimately build a strong, talented team that can drive the company’s success.