Most safest ways to send money around the world


Lot of different ways to send money that are safe and easy. So Check with your institution to find out best way for you.

worldwide-money-transferDefiantly the safest and an easy method as you just do it when you’re doing your personal online banking and don’t need to join any new companies. You need to find out fees from your bank first because the fees vary from Bank to bank. PLUS you will get a fee for currency conversion also. Another easy banking method if you have a friend or partner abroad is to open an account in their country then wire transfer to them bank to bank. This also incurs more fees and also takes allot longer to process so investigate fees and timing first.


ATM-CARD3Simply open a new account in your own name in your own country with ATM card that has a PLUS symbol on the back for net banking so it can be used worldwide. The account will be in your FULL control via internet banking so you know exactly what’s in it at all times. You may also very easily stop or block the account at any time as you are the account holder. In most countries it is free or very cheap to transfer between local accounts online and goes through over night.



EPASSPORTEThis method will cost you upfront for the card to be sent out. But after that the fees for sending money to that card are very low and allot better than other online virtual cards.I have seen so far. You will get slugged with transaction fees and currency conversion fees so please ask first or make further inquiries with your bank and/or eppassporte directly


IKOBO2IKOBO card and it works great just like ePassporte and all banking ATM cards. The catch is again you will need to pay small fee to get the card sent to you firstly and then you need to check the fees and charges you will incur.. Always remember that you get fees your end and your friend/partner also gets fees charged their end for using ATMs.


WESTERN-UNIONThese 2 methods are both simply the same thing but LBC is allot cheaper. Both companies have good and bad points so again check into the websites and read terms/conditions before getting started. If as a last resort i needed to use these i would use LBC however it is not available in all countries. Sometimes western union is the only choice so just is 100% confident the money is safe before you send it please.