Everyone is vulnerable to cyber threats, but the more susceptible ones are senior executives. It’s because they hold the most crucial data of the organization, and hackers do not want to leave any stone unturned to attack the senior-level officers. Opting for executive protection, like privacyforkorea, has come up as an effective professional service. By integrating the tool, you can create a safety shield around you.
The internet has changed over the past few years, which is a piece of good news. But the concern is cyber-attacks are also growing, and your organization needs to be protected from that. Here are a few pointers explaining how executive protection integrates cyber-security.

● A vital component: Cyber-security
Every firm has a security policy that confirms the information technology infrastructure contains the latest firewalls and other necessary security controls. But the issue is the security policy may not consider executive protection, and hackers get a way to attack your system. That’s why the organization needs to develop a protection scheme to safeguard the senior executives and save them from threats. Multinational companies with vice presidents, chief executive officers, directors, etc., are more likely to become victims. Creating an executive plan will help in keeping hackers away.
● Protection against cyber spying
The top-level professionals operating in critical sectors, like oil and gas, nano-computing, energy, banking, next-generation mobile technology, defence, semiconductor, etc., are easy targets for hackers. They collect log-in credentials through which the confidential data can be accessed.
Being a senior executive, you need to be extra careful while travelling to a foreign land. Anyone can try to attack your system online to gain your details. Accessing the Wi-Fi network of hotels is another way to collect information. Look for an executive protection scheme protecting you against cyber spying activities. Especially while travelling to Russia, China, Brazil, Middle-East, Iran, etc., senior executives need to be more cautious. It’s because the countries are considered high-risk areas.
The ways to start with an executive protection plan
To begin the executive protection plan, any firm needs to keep the below pointers in mind. It will help in preventing the attackers from penetrating their system.
● Do not carry your system
The senior executives should not be permitted to carry their systems with them while travelling. If they are travelling for a business meeting or conference, give them a second laptop. It should never connect with the office network and must carry as few files as possible. The system must also have a limited application, so the risk is less.
● Avoid carrying highly targeted applications
Make sure the executives are not carrying any highly targeted applications with them, like systems that have Adobe Acrobat Reader. It’s because different blackhat hackers easily target them. In spite of that, it is better to use a different PDF reader. In that way, the information that the high professionals have can remain in a safe place.
● Store data in flash drives
The executives must store presentation, data, and confidential files on flash drives. Additionally, it should be carried by the executives every time and should be encrypted. Encrypted flash drives offer higher security and better compared to storing data in laptops.[adsense]
● Perform a forensic analysis
After the executive is back from the trip, perform a forensic analysis to find out if anyone tried attacking the system. Protecting your system is the right way to avoid hackers from getting through your IT infrastructure.
In the end
Hopefully, you have understood the importance of protecting every system of the organization, including the chief executive ones. As a result, the chances are less that your organization will become a victim of cyberattacks.