Check Monthly Report Of Your Account Activity On Google Services

Recently Google has announced another great feature named “Account Activity”which gives you gain access to more insight into their usage of Google services. This utility gives you access monthly reports detailing your account activity, like your number of logins, browsers you used, the number of Google searches you performed, how many emails you sent and received and a ton of other things that showcase the vast amount of data Google stores on you. It is a great way for the companies and business holders to show what is happening with your account on Google.Account-Activitybe

Some Features:

  1. Giving you more insight into your Google Account activity.
  2. Report mails only if the summary of the activity has been accumulated.
  3. Give you links to change your personal settings anytime.
  4. Better control and transparency.
  5. Major focus is on Gmail activity showing sent mails, received mails and most contacted.

For more detail and check your Account Activity, enjoy and manage your information on Google