A Guide to Designing a Great Landing Page for Your Online Course

For a landing page to be effective, certain guidelines, techniques, and strategies need to be adopted to make the page appealing to prospects. Content that keeps them coming back will ensure that you get their attention until they make their decision. Various LMS are successful due to reasons like pricing, services, and the way they represent it. One such example is lessonly pricing, and the services it offers. You will drive traffic to your website with an effective training course and marketing strategy. 

Let’s look at the ways you should design an online training course landing page.


What is a landing page?

A landing page is where your audience lands and sees around. It is the place where you present your story and make them trust you for your services. This page will decide if your potential customers will buy your product or not. This page serves only one purpose, to encourage viewers to enroll in your course right away. So, whatever you put on this page is to support the story you are telling to your audience and convince them to buy your products or services.


Must-have Features on a landing page

Your online training course conversion rate will be greatly impacted by a variety of factors, and include:

  • A call to action.
  • SEO-optimized content 
  • Multimedia Graphics 
  • Separate headers
  • Dynamic and interesting content

The purpose of your website is to take learners on board, therefore your website needs to hook visitors with marketing and sales messages. With content that is SEO improved, people will find your page easily. Once they land on your page, they should get engaged by the graphics and visual representation of your services and products you offer. Creating a separate header will make sure they get the category they are looking for. This is followed by a CTA which can be anything from subscribing to the newsletter, booking an appointment, or buying the product or service.

By framing demonstrative copy and incorporating important keywords and phrases, in addition to organized content, you will attract Google’s web crawlers and encourage visitors to contact you.


Layout, Design, and Content

When any visitor land on your page, they should be able to easily navigate to the solution of their problem. Let them know what it is they are going to achieve by enrolling in your course. Let them experience what they can learn and how your course is the best investment for them. Let them see the opportunities that await them. It could be securing a job, starting a business, or learning a new skill. 

Creating the course page for your online training program can be done in a variety of ways. Video testimonials from people who have completed the course can be used or slide shows with images and slides where they can see insights into the course content, or you can put more detail about the course in detailed content. You should discuss this with your marketing team since they know your audience and what will appeal to them. Google outlines how to structure data on your web page so you can’t go wrong. 


Final Thoughts

Constructing an effective landing page to sell online training courses takes a lot of knowledge, and we hope we provided you with the knowledge you need to get started. One more thing that you cannot skip is Google Analytics. You’re shirking the most fundamental strategy by not having Google Analytics set up on your site. How can you become a successful business owner without a clear understanding of your customers? You can’t be competitive without google analytics. 

Weekly-updated websites tend to rank better on Google, so plan your content accordingly. After you create your landing page, build out your keywords and topics and develop your content strategy. Think of your website as a plant. You need to nurture it (with updated content), and as a result, it will provide you with fruit for years to come.