The Biochemical treatment system Is known about salt Remedies, also familiarize the Tissue remedies or Schuessler’s tissue salt remedies. Biochemical system of medicine developed by Dr. Schussler in 1873. He was a famous homeopath who propounded the theory that disease is caused by the insufficiency of organic salts in the tissues/cells of the body and that the supply of these deficient salts remedy diseases. Dr. Schussler identified twelve important homeopathic medicines as the biochemical remedies. Deference between the Homeopathic medicines and Biochemical Treatment is important. Homeopathic medicines are prepared by specialist pharmacies using a cautious process of sequence, the study of the chemical compounds response, occurring in living organisms called Biochemical Treatment.[adsense]
Homeopathic remedies are made heterologous compounds and Biochemic salts make homogenous compounds. In the best phrases, biochemistry supplies such deficiency, in minute quantities, to permit the cells to soak up the salt and get the metabolism to normalcy.