7 Mistakes to Avoid When Using SEO as a Small Business Owner

Before you can be successful as a small business owner, you need to learn how to use search engine optimization, new marketing tactics, and client outreach methods to build your business, brand, and get more customers through the door.


If you don’t know your clientele base, how to find your ideal customer, and how to broadcast your products and services to your target market, you will be missing out on valuable ways to make money. So how can you guarantee that your target market – the people who you want to communicate with – are going to see your products and services?


The best way that you can reach out to customers and ensure that they see your message and respond well to your marketing is to use smart SEO tactics. SEO stands for search engine optimization – a type of marketing method that will help your business rank higher in the search engine rankings. Just think about it – when you Google something, you typically choose one of the first 5 options on the list – rarely do you ever scroll to the second and third page to find what you are looking for.


As a new business owner, ranking highly is key to being able to boost your business potential and get more customers while you are trying to establish a dedicated clientele base. Let’s see a few mistakes to avoid before you can use successful small business SEO to stand out among the competition.


  • Not using the right keywords – When using small business SEO, make sure you find and use the right keywords so you can bring people to your new website! Figure out the best adwords – making a list of around 20 – and use them on your website and blog posts! Choosing the right keywords will take some trial and error – find out what people will search to come upon your business and other similar businesses in the area. If you’re a local cafe, then consider using coffee, breakfast, brunch, food, or snacks in your keywords to bring people into your store!
  • What makes you unique?– The next mistake to avoid is not realizing what makes you unique in your business. What makes you stand out among the rest? Use small business SEO tactics to find out why people should choose YOU. If you focus on making coffee with locally-roasted coffee beans and organic milk, make sure you use this in your social media and small business SEO!
  • Don’t use too many keywords – Although we said to use keywords, don’t saturate your page with keywords. This will lead to incoherent thoughts and confusing sentence structure. Sparsely position your keywords in entertainment content, description of your business, and social media posts.
  • Not publishing the right content – The next mistake to avoid when using small business SEO is not publishing the right content. Figure out what your customers will like and then focus on those topics! If you are a cafe, then figure out what you want your business to be – and stick with it. It might be photos of coffee, photos of your cafe, or customer stories. Whatever it is, determine your niche and then stick with it!
  • Not being social – Being social is key. Use your social media and other marketing methods to branch out to your ideal customer and build your small business SEO plan. Make sure you stay up to date on your various social media channels, like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to keep your customers engaged! After all, people are always online today – so personalizing your outreach via social posts is key to establishing a personal relationship with your clients.
  • Not measuring results – The sixth mistake to avoid as a new entrepreneur is not using data and analytics to measure your results. Find out how you can boost your small business SEO to rank higher!
  • Not being patient – The last mistake to avoid as a new owner is not being patient. Building your business takes time – continue using the foolproof small business SEO tactics to increase your stand in the industry.

Start Building Your Small Business Today

If you are in the process of building your business through using new outreach methods, establishing your client base, and broadcasting your products and services, then finding out the best ways to utilize small business SEO is key.