5 Ways to Win More Business for Your Window Glazing Business

Is your window glazing business not doing as well as you hoped? Maybe there has been a sudden influx of competition in your area, and your profits are taking a hit. Either way, do not despair; it is never too late to turn things around.

From the latest digital marketing techniques to the importance of customer referrals, read on to discover five foolproof ways to win more business for your window glazing business.

1. Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization, often referred to as SEO, is a digital marketing technique designed to help your business rise in the ranks of Google and gain more website traffic.

If you are new to SEO, the process can seem a little overwhelming, but don’t worry, as there are plenty of free beginner’s guides to search engine optimization that you can check out.

2. Social media marketing

Social media marketing offers one of the easiest ways to get people talking about your business and involves engaging with your target audience on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

It is not enough to simply have a business page on each channel, and you need to make sure you are posting consistent and engaging content that actively appeals to your customers. There are lots of elements of your business that you can share with your customers, such as stories about your employees, how your business came about, where you buy your window supplies from – and it should be SRS roofing supply company – and your goals for the future.

3. Marketing platforms

Marketing platforms such as Checkatrade are designed to help people find local tradesmen, making them the perfect place to promote your services.

These platforms work by allowing customers to search for different trades, read reviews, and contact tradespeople in their area. When you market your business Checkatrade, ensure you include all the relevant information about your business, such as your contact details and the specific services you provide.

4. Blog posts

Although you may not have thought of starting a blog to market your window glazing business, you may be surprised at how effective this can generate new leads and widening your customer base.

You don’t need any experience to start a blog, but having a way with words and a good command of the English language can be useful. Make sure you tie in your SEO efforts with this by using your keywords in every piece of content you create.

5. Great website design

Is your website professional and easy to use? If not, then this is something that needs to change. Your website is often the first element of your business that potential customers see, so you must make sure that it is up to scratch.

Ideally, your website should look modern and attractive and include photographs of past projects and customer testimonials. Also, having a responsive website is a plus, which means that it can be viewed and interacted with on mobile devices and tablets like on a desktop computer.