Without WI-Fi or mobile data Data transfer app with a speed of 200% faster than Bluetooth, downloads have exceeded 500 million. Today data sharing is a daily job for us, but it comes to a problem when platform or network connection is interrupted. It is sometimes necessary that there are similar operating systems on both devices, it is necessary that both are on the same WiFi network. If so, WI-Fi internet or mobile internet data must be present in order to share data.
If you want to get rid of all these issues, the short application is available for free.
Shareit is currently the world’s number one application for data sharing, which is available free of charge for Windows, Mac, Windows Phone, IOS and Android and is developed by a leading computer company (Lenovo).[adsense]This app is so popular that its subscribers now exceed 500 million. This is an official number if the non-official number is seen, its users have reached 1 billion in number according to its website. To exchange files or backup them, for any work you can use this app, only this app should be available on both devices, then transfer files or receive files without any Internet or Blue Tooth.