Starting An Art Business: 4 Tips For Success


Do you have a deep passion and talent for art? Are you sick of working the usual nine-to-five? If so, you might be exploring the possibility of starting your own art business. Not only do you have the freedom and control of running your own company, but you also get to fully explore your creative side and earn money for it.

Yet make no mistake, running an art business is not easy. It’s a crowded market, and trying to stand out is difficult. Although, as this guide helps demonstrate, it is not impossible – you just need to go into it with the right mindset and strategy.

With that in mind, here are four tips for success when starting an art business.

1. Use multiple platforms

Create a business website. Promote your creations across social media. Sell on Etsy. Offer services across freelancing platforms like Fiverr and Upwork. The list goes on and on. Thanks to the power of the internet, there are many platforms available where you can spread the word about your business, connect with people, and gain clients.

However, all too many starting out stick to just one or two platforms. In reality, you should be maximizing your exposure and reach, getting your business onto as many platforms as possible. Although once you’re on a platform, make sure to keep everything updated – this is particularly important with your website and social media.

2. Be bold and unique

The art world is a saturated one. You have many artists producing incredible lifelike portraits, others with eye-catching typography, inspiring sculptures, and so on. Trying to compete in saturated fields can be incredibly challenging for even the most talented artists.

As a result, you should try and carve out a specific niche, one where you can produce bold and unique creations. For example, you could utilize waterjet cutting machinery to craft incredible signs or décor made out of metal. Aside from the artwork itself, simply going in a unique direction like this creates a story that potential customers can get invested in.

3. Harness the power of Reddit

Twitter, Instagram, TikTok – all of these social media platforms are great for promoting your art. However, one of the most effective and oftentimes overlooked options is to share your creations on Reddit.

Numerous people will tell you that Reddit kickstarted their entrepreneurial journey virtually overnight. They make a post, this gets upvoted to the top of the page, and it is then seen by potentially millions of users. The platform is also particularly kind to artists who share incredible creations – just don’t be too promotional when you do make your post!

4. Don’t standstill

You’ve sold a few pieces. You have gained a respectable following on Instagram. You have made a profit.

The result: you’ve made it, right?

Well, while it’s a great starting point, it is essential you build on this foundation. There’s no time to stand still in the world of art. Do that, and you could end up being yesterday’s news. Instead, continue to create new and exciting pieces, promote your work, and ultimately grow your business.