While purchasing a computer do not trust on the sticker of the cover on it. Instead of this go to computer properties and make sure that it actually has the same generation processor of Intel Core which is being told to you. The Intel U Series processors are designed for very thin laptops and hybrid tablets, which provide more battery life, compared to other models. There are some numbers in the System section in the Properties, which represent the processor’s name and its generation information. But here is the main question what these numbers mean?[adsense]On Intel’s own website says that, these numbers and letters are as follows:
- As you can see, the processor’s name is the first.
- Then there is a description of the Core, which that’s what the processor’s core.
- The first digit in your four digit numbers after the name is the representative of your Intel Processor generation. If it starts with number three, then understand, it is the third generation of Core. Similarly, if you have number four, five or six, then you will say the Core generation.
- The next three digits represent the processor’s identifier, or the processor model in the same generation.
- The last number represents the processor series and its clock speed.
Why is it necessary to know?
The next time when you are buying a new computer, even if you do not remember the processor’s name, you will be able to understand the whole truth by looking at its number. Instead of buying a new laptop with a low-power processor, prefer to buy an old laptop with a powerful processor. Because now you will know, In order to buy a laptop or PC, it is necessary to concentrate on the processor.