Don’t Waste Your Precious Time – Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money Every Month is the largest freelance marketplace in the world. You are not limited to any particular country or city. You can offer its services worldwide. Currently, buyers so much that many freelancers barely have time to deal with the daily flow of orders. “Service” on Fiverr called “a Gig”. Basic service, which offers begins, costs 5 $. Freelancers gets 4 $, 1$ and takes the service as a commission. However, additional services are always offered performers, have no price limits. That is, you can sell apselly (additional sales) at any price: $ 20, $ 40, $ 70, $ 110, and so on.Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

Registration and Jobs Instructions:

1) Go to the and click on the Join button.01_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

2) In the pop-up window, enter your email (it is desirable that your mail has been registered on the Gmail login and use this post later) and click on the green button CONTINUE.02_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

3) Next, enter your login – any English in the first line and the second password (somewhere, record the data they need you at the entrance to the site) and click on the Join.03_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

4) We confirm your e-mail address – you will receive a letter in the mail – go to your mail.04_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

5) In the received email, click on the green button ACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT. Registration is completed. Getting Started in Fiverr.05_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

6) To view this, you need to set up your profile. Hovers over your name – pop up menu – CLICK the Settings and Public Profile Settings.06_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

7) In a new window. Set your real photo – click on the button CHOOSE PHOTO and select photos on your computer. Next in line SOMETHING ABOUT YOU (English), writing a bit to 300 characters about themselves. I CAN COMMUNICATE IN English and click on the button SAVE CHANGES.07_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

8) Further to the left, select Account Settings menu. Fill in the field FULL NAME – your name in English and tie your Facebook account or Google, clicking on the respective buttons. After a click on the button SAVE CHANGE.08_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

9) In the Security Settings menu to protect your account, click on the SET and choose a security question and enter the English answer to it and click on SUBMIT.[adsense]09_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

10) Services in which we make, we will help promote and unwind accounts of people from the social networks:
*Facebook – Like, followers, Share.
*Google Plus – Plus, Share.
*YouTube – Like, Views, Subscribers.
*Instagram – followers, Like.
*Twitter – Tweets, Retweets, Subscribers.
*Pinterest – Pin, Repin, followers.
We place its first service, we analyze this or that service, we want to place.

10_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

11) I chose followers on Facebook. Now I’ll show how to make the rest of the services are in demand:
*Search bar, which enter our request «Facebook», that is what we advertise.
*List of categories in which our inquiry found – select Social Marketing.
*Rating – reserve Hight Raiting – in the very first ranks are services that are in demand.
*Next, we analyze what people are offering – the largest number – a 1376 followers. We put a little less or more to service was important. We put 507 followers.11_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

12) Actually creating service itself. In the new window, click on the CONTINUE & CREATE YOUR FIRST Gig button – to create the service.12_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

13) Before us is a tab to create a service appears. Fill it with focusing on your service, as shown in the screenshot:
*GIG TITLE (service name) – do 507 Facebook followers.
*GIG GALLERY – select a picture for our services – go to Google images and type in the search box in this case, 507 Facebook followers and there is a set of pictures – download the appropriate picture on your computer and select it.
*DESCRIPTION – enter the text of the service itself. Enter the text service and give a guarantee, it will increase your credibility. I’m through Google translator introduced the following text: «I quickly and provide you with 507 followers to Facebook. All Facebook followers are real people. I guarantee that all people are real – no bots, no the fake accounts. Quality guarantee. »
*The TAGS – we enter tags (at least three) – for these tags will find your service, the more of them the better. I introduced until three tags Facebook followers, like, share. And click on the green button, save & continue.13_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

14) The following window appears. By clicking on the ADD GIG EXTRAS button we can add special services to which the restrictions i on the value of $ 5, no. In the resulting window, I chose two more functions 1) to add 1000 followers for $ 10 and put another 2 days, and 2) add 2000 followers for $ 20 and put another 4 days – as shown in the screenshot.14_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

15) In Gig Gallery , You can add photos, which best represent your offering. You must upload at least one photo, video, PDF etc.15_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

16) The last step – publication services – click on the button PUBLISH GIG.16_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

17) In the window above, you can share it on social networks by simply clicking on one of the social networks. And then click on Finish.17_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

18) In the next window, we can see that our service is activated, available for viewing and ordering customers.18_Sign Up Fiverr And Earn Big Money

Do not waste your precious time and Sign Up / Join Fiverr: